Move over Google Docs and Notion- Slite is redefining internal knowledge management

Churchill Leonard
5 min readSep 29, 2020



For teams working in a tech-first environment, staying on one page can be quite demanding.

Chat in Slack, video chat in Zoom, manage tasks in Trello, and finish over at Airtable where you wrangle through databases.

Most of the technical needs of modern teams have been all but resolved by an enchilada of tools designed to work wherever you’re at. And while the growth in collaboration SaaS tools has helped simplify workplace collaboration, it’s given rise to another ominous challenge.

How can teams manage knowledge in a world where you’re either informed or get run over?

How do you bring together all your team’s knowledge into one place where it’s easy to:

  • Manage,
  • Collaborate on without friction,
  • Edit as required, and
  • Access with ease?

When you have teammates dropping key points in Slack and making comments in Trello, how do you bring all that into one source of truth, so it’s easy to manage whenever you need it?

How can a modern team achieve all their knowledge management needs in one tool that’s easy to get knowledge in and out of?

Documentation, that’s what you need.

In simple terms, documentation is simply taking knowledge and putting it all in one place where it’s able to reach with minimal effort should you need it.

In a team setting, the need for documentation increases exponentially as the entire team must make concerted efforts to ensure everyone is on the same page and up to date regarding how their internal systems and processes run. It involves creating a shared knowledge base that everyone on the team can have a look at, grab what they need, and get ahead with their day — sans having to wrangle through countless apps to determine where exactly the Head of growth shared that guide to optimizing blog posts for snippets, either in Slack, or one of the bajillion other apps your team works from.

But modern documentation tools have proven far from sufficient.

In case you’re wondering, Google docs won’t do; there’s only enough hours in a day — and definitely not enough to go sifting Google docs to see which doc exactly was mentioned at the standup.

Or, you could try Confluence; except for the fact that Confluence was basically built around the techie ecosystem — think coders & developers.

Modern knowledge management tools fail in their basic function that is to organize knowledge so it’s easy to focus more on doing and less on learning how.

Meet Slite, the knowledge base for smart teams.

Slite is a Paris & San Francisco-based startup that’s building the future of documentation. Their tool, suitably named Slite, is designed to help teams organize knowledge so they can simplify the learning process (for new team members), making it easy to focus on actually doing.

Knowledge, based on Team Slite’s definition, refers to any information that proves useful now and most importantly, retains value over time.

In that context, it’s easy to understand why Slite is set to disrupt the world of documentation tools since if knowledge is information that retains value over time, it must be preserved and refined so its value can be harnessed in the future.

Slite takes a view at simplifying knowledge management from the ground up. With a sleek SaaS-y interface that combines the looks of Dropbox Paper, Slack, and Google Docs and functionality that rivals Notion’s, Slite is designed with modern doers in mind.

Features include designated channels, team presence, and cursor highlights, a document history feature that shows how the document has progressed, as well as a rich collaboration feature with which teammates can comment and reach consensus on knowledge structuring, phrasing, etc.

Slite is designed around the needs of fast-paced teams where speed of consensus is required to drive results without friction.

Maybe you have several playbooks lying around in your team’s shared drive, which you can never seem to get to when you need them? With Slite, not anymore.

Slite offers Slack-like organization so you can manage knowledge in specific playbooks, and moving further, in individual docs team members can access and manage with ease.

Goodbye 15-minute searching through Google Docs, Slack, email, and a long line of tools where your team’s knowledge is all scattered; hello organized knowledge, faster decisions, and more room for productivity.

Speaking on the inspiration behind Slite, CEO Christophe Pasquier expresses that Slite began with a simple idea: bring note-taking to teams the same way Slack brought them the messaging experience.

Less than a year into it, the first large team using Slite churned from Confluence and made Christophe realize how Slite was much more than a note app. It had the potential to simplify knowledge management beyond the current mess of Slack and email, and a thousand other collaboration tools.

Slite CEO, Christophe Pasquier.

Today, Slite has far exceeded the idea stage with a recent Series A raise bringing Slite’s total raised to $15 million.

“We kind of looked at the world of workplace documentation and realized nothing catered specifically to this need except Google docs, and a bunch of tools too technical for the average knowledge worker, like Notion, Confluence and Coda.

But, you see, Google docs is impossible to structure as a team, and tools like Notion were designed only for power users. So, we imagined how much more productive teams would be if they could actually focus on getting work done, vs. trying to figure out how.” — CEO, Christophe Pasquier.

And the rest, they say, is history. That sums up why the team behind Slite built it and keeps building it. To make knowledge management a simple, dare I say, fun part of workplace collaboration.

Looking to manage your team’s knowledge easier, faster, and more coherently — so you can focus on doing? Try out Slite right away.



Churchill Leonard

Freelance writer and content marketer for B2B SaaS and fintech startups. Amateur economist. Geek.