Your Current Sales Demoing Suite Sucks. Demodesk is fixing it.

Churchill Leonard
5 min readMar 16, 2020


How Demodesk is reimagining online meetings.

Demodesk is a sales and customer support suite that brands itself as an online meeting tool designed to help sales and support execs on high performing teams perform better demos, onboard customers faster, automate manual tasks, and scale sales and support operations with less stress, and overall, increasing per capita productivity across the board.

What’s the rationale behind Demodesk?

Sales and customer success operations are the soul of great companies since no matter what you build, the chips fall to your sales team to take it out into the real world and get it out into the faces of actual real-life customers that’ll pay money for it.

On the other hand, your customer success team is responsible for ensuring your customers are using your product as hitch-free as possible, while relaying back any feedback customers have to offer regarding features, quality, etc. In a sense, your sales + customer success outfit doubles as your Revenue Ops team since sales drive revenue, while support helps to retain paying customers.

As such, you’d typically expect the cloud revolution to have significantly affected the sales and customer success world enough to perform their duties as seamlessly as possible, focusing on getting more users on board vs. worrying whether a prospect will see the confidential Slack messages you couldn’t minimize before getting started on that product demo.

In a nutshell, while next-generation SaaS tools have been on the rise, sales and customer support tools have remained quite fragmented across the board, forcing sales and customer support execs across numerous visionary teams to have to stitch together ragtag suites of tools to manage their turf as seamlessly as possible, jumping from email to Calendly to book meetings, and all the way to Zoom for carrying out product demos + a million other hoops an average sales rep gets to jump through – and that’s aside the thousands of cold calls, emails, and other support activities the average sales or customer support rep typically undertakes daily.

So, if you’ve been thinking that your organization’s sales demoing process is a bit too complicated to hit the highly ambitious goals you have for 2020, you’re right.

So, meet Demodesk, the startup designing a unified demoing and meeting suite for smart teams.

What’s the problem Demodesk is looking to solve?

Demodesk was built around the rationale that for your sales and customer success team to deliver outstanding results, that they need to focus on actually getting the job done, versus stressing wondering if they booked a meeting for the demo that should be coming up tomorrow. Demodesk, in essence, combines all a salesperson’s screen sharing and meeting needs into one easy-to-use tool.

First off, while you’d typically have to download a client or browser extension for most of the meeting and screensharing tools on the market, Demodesk enables you to host meetings right from the cloud so you can be demoing for potential users in seconds. And so you don’t have to update Zoom just 2 minutes before a meeting is scheduled to begin.

In keeping with their aim to simplify tech for sales and support, down to the barest minimum, Demodesk syncs with your existing tools stack, guaranteeing that you’ll have any necessary info or sales collateral ready-to-go whenever you might need it. Demodesk helps you automate your sales workflows and minimize manual resolution so your sales operations are designed around predictable results.

Remember last time when that prospect told you they’d get back to you in January and your brain just blanked. Yeah, we’ve all been there. With Demodesk’s virtual sales assistant that maps out your usual conversation flow and offers insights on your very next step, plus your personal in-meeting notepad, you’ll always be a step ahead of that next objection – thanks to Demodesk’s smart AI engine that delivers relevant sales support content in the moment.

5X faster and more fluid video & audio quality, a virtual desktop that lets you swipe through your sales collateral without worrying about exposing your personal life to potential clients, as well as embedded granular analytics that keeps tabs on what’s working, what’s not, and what exactly to do about it, are a few more of the features shaping up Demodesk to be the future of forward-facing sales and customer support for smart businesses.

Just 4 months ago, the Demodesk team raised a $2.3 million seed round from Kleiner Perkins, Funders Club, Y Combinator, and Global Founders Capital after they’d passed out from Y Combinator as one of the few European startups to make it into YC’s biannual startup bootcamp. The team consists of geeks from across Stanford, KPMG, and Toyota, who’d first banded together since early 2017 aiming to build out the future of seamless meeting and sales demoing for forward-focused teams.

When I spoke with CEO, Veronika Riederle, a corporate strategy and project management whiz with experience across Telefónica Europe, Bain & Company, and Audi AG, she iterated what we covered earlier. Sales has been getting more complicated, but existing sales tools have been letting down sales and customer support execs, requiring them to take more and more time off actually closing deals to service manual tasks that could easily be automated.

“Demodesk was built to simplify online meetings so sales & support execs can focus more on getting their jobs done,” Riederle said.

“What we’re doing is looking at the feedback from our customers, taking note of their needs, and building out our platform from the ground up, so that what we have is truly a platform that helps businesses drive increased revenue by delivering customer-first engagement across the board.”

Looking to switch your sales & support team over to seamless screen sharing that enables them to focus on actually selling? Try out Demodesk right away!



Churchill Leonard

Freelance writer and content marketer for B2B SaaS and fintech startups. Amateur economist. Geek.